So I just recently graduated from college, and am now starting off my oh so exciting career at an accounting firm (that was sarcasm for those of you who couldn't pick it up). I live in NYC and love it up here, though rent can be a real bitch.
I've been playing online poker since I turned 18 (I can't believe I actually waited till my birthday to sign up). I started off on Party Poker, where I lost my initial deposit of 500 bucks in a few weeks or so. My parents weren't too happy about that and immediately berated me. What did I go do? I got up at 3 in the morning every day after to play in my dad's office so I could make it back.
When I went off to college, I went broke a few more times, and swore I would never play again. Haha, any poker player who tells you that is lying. I eventually learned some bankroll management, and have been doing ok since.
I played on Pokerstars for awhile (their new black layout is horrendous by the way), but eventually found Full Tilt, which easily became my favorite site because of their HORSE games. I haven't had a chance to play on many of the other sites, but I really like the blind structure of heads up (HU) HORSE games on FT. Blinds go up every 6 minutes, at which point the game also changes. On Stars, the blinds go up too slowly (10 minutes), and for some reason, I would rather play an opponent vertically than horizontally??
Now all I do is go to work everyday and hope to get my CPA in the next two years. I don't have as much time to play online as I did in college, but once a poker player, always a poker player.